Home Health Services Employment Services and/or Agencies Non Profit
Every day, UCPSA helps children and adults with disabilities by providing the best home-based and community support services in Pima, Santa Cruz, and Yuma counties. In-home services include personal care, hygiene, light housekeeping, cooking, and other household chores. UCPSA also offers respite to parents and guardians of individuals with disabilities to provide time off from their regular caregiving responsibilities.
In addition, we also provide behavioral health support, training, and various habilitation services to members, including independent living skills. We also offer activities and daily learning objectives to adults participating in our Days Without Walls program.
Through UCPSA’s employment services program called WorkAbility, transition-age youth and adults with disabilities prepare for competitive, integrated, and sustainable work opportunities by practicing interview skills, completing resumes and job applications, job searching, networking, engaging in work-based learning and work readiness skills, and by job coaching individuals at their place of employment. The employment services also offer tech support to businesses hiring people with disabilities, including developing job tasks and training, training on disability etiquette, best practices, benefits to hiring, and resource sharing.